William ILLOUZ
MIZ Développement
25 rue des trois Tilleuls
77000 Vaux le Pénil
The site accessible by the following url: www.shalom-racing.com is operated in compliance with French legislation. Use of this site is governed by these terms and conditions. By using the site, you acknowledge having read these conditions and having accepted them. These may be modified at any time and without notice by MIZ Development.
MIZ Development can not be held responsible in any way for misuse of the service.
William ILLOUZ
MIZ Développement
25 rue des trois Tilleuls
77000 Vaux le Pénil
These conditions are governed by French law and any dispute or litigation that may arise from the interpretation or execution of these will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts on which the registered office of the company MIZ Développement depends. The reference language for the settlement of any disputes is French.
All content on this site, including, but not limited to, graphics, images, text, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs and icons as well as their formatting are the exclusive property of SHALOM RACING TEAM with the exception trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or authors.
481 Bd Alfred Daney
33300 Bordeaux
Tél. : + 33 (0)9 73 73 24 84
www.kroox.io – www.raceo.fr
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SHALOM RACING TEAM is at your disposal for any comments or suggestions. You can write to us in French by e-mail using the contact form